(click image for more information)
Pair of Painted Torchieres

American, circa 1910

Large Swedish Blue Painted Box

Mid 19th century

Wrought Iron Standing Hooks with Blue Paint,

circa 1900

Mahogany Frame with Corner Rosettes,

American, c. 1860, with new mirror

Pair of Iron Baluster Lamps

American, circa 1880

Carved Box, America, c. 1880
Blown Glass Compote, American, mid-19th century
Chinoiserie Frame, English, early 19th c.
Large Tin Scoop with Bracework,

American, early 20th century

Pair of Mirrored Sconces

France, circa 1790

Distortion Mirror

English, circa 1860

Drafting Table, Oak with Cast Iron Base, late 19th century
Glass Compote,

American, Mid-19th Century

Exceptional Carved and Painted

Neoclassical Country Settee
American, circa 1830

Painted Rocking Chair,

Original Paint,
New England, circa 1840

Empire Painted Center Table with Drawer,

American, circa 1840

Decoupage Table Meticulously Covered in Postage Stamps

Folk Art Table, American Modernist
American, circa 1935

"Daughters of Rebekah" Oddfellows Lodge Pole Top Finials

American, circa 1900

Wire Glass Carrier

French, Late 19th Century

Fine Work Table

with Pullout Gameboard,
American, circa 1820

Olivewood Jerusalem Box, circa 1910
Pair of Celery Vases, American, circa 1850
Adjustable Fluid Lamp

France, Mid-19th Century

Large Latticework Wall Pocket,

American, circa 1940

Tall Pair of Architectural Pilasters,

Original Weathered Paint
American, Late 19th Century

Carved and Painted Tripod Stool

with Twig Base,
American, Late 19th Century

Massachusetts Side Table, circa 1830
Large Blue Painted Display Scale

American, circa 1900

Wire Tazza

American, Late 19th Century

Cast Iron Door Knocker,

Lady's Hand Holding Ball,
Late 19th Century

Miniature Leather Shoes

British Isles, early 19th century