Caroline Brookes

England, 1834

sampler size: 11½" x 12¾" • framed size: 13½" x 14¾" • sold

A delightful sampler, this was worked by twelve-year-old Caroline Brookes and completed on June 11, 1834. The four-line verse is delightful: When I think upon the pains / That my teachers take with me / All without reward or gains / Oh grateful I should be,” especially given the fact that this was likely assigned by her teacher!

A nicely detailed brick house, huge bird on tree, Adam and Eve and other motifs embellish the sampler well. Also notable is the leafy garland upheld by a pair of birds. 

Worked in silk on wool, the sampler is in excellent condition and has been conservation mounted into a molded and back painted frame. 

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