Ann Garrett

Bocking, Essex County, England, 1802

sampler size: 14½” square • framed size: 16¾” square • price: $3800

Darning samplers are considered by many to be a highly desirable type of needlework as they can present a stunning graphic while demonstrating very difficult and refined techniques. Students were taught to recreate specific weave structures; their darning samplers were proof of their accomplishments and served as a practical reference throughout their lifetime. 

Ann Garrett’s sampler is a fine example, one of three very similar darning samplers known to have been made in Bocking. One of the others is published as figure 124 in Averil Colby’s Samplers (B T Batsford Ltd, 1985) as the only darning sampler. These three attest to the fact that a teacher of considerable skill was working at that school, which was in Essex, about 40 miles from London. 

Worked in silk on linen, it is in excellent condition and conservation mounted into a molded and painted frame. 


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