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You may need to turn the device sideways and click the round icon  to view full screen.
Hold your device vertical for single page, or horizontal for a spread view.
Tap the screen to reveal a menu bar at the top - the arrow icon  on the right for sharing options, i.e. email or social media, such as Facebook, or to download.

[for viewing on a desktop computer]
Click on the catalogue to expand to full view.
Click the arrows at the sides of the pages to turn the page.
Slide the dot in the lower left  to zoom in and out, or double click on a page for a quick zoom in.
Click and drag the cursor to move around a zoomed-in page.
Notice links, which are briefly highlighted when you turn the page – You can jump to each page from the Alphabetical Listing, as well as there are informative links throughout. You may need to disable your popup blocker.
Click the magnifier icon  in the lower right to search for key words.
Click the "box with sidebars" icon http://samplings.com/sites/samplings.com/files/u5/index-icon.jpg in the lower right to display thumbnails; jump to a page.
Also in the lower right click on the single/double page icon http://samplings.com/sites/samplings.com/files/u5/pageview-icon.jpg to optionally change view as such.
Click the box with the arrow icon http://samplings.com/sites/samplings.com/files/u5/share-icon.jpg in the lower right for sharing options, i.e. email or social media, such as Facebook.
From that same icon you can download, and then print from your download, or to purchase a high quality printed copy, contact Eric Banks at eric@tradeprinting.com or call 503.234.3755.
Return to our website from the full-screen view by pressing Esc, or by the double arrow icon http://samplings.com/sites/samplings.com/files/u5/return-icon.jpg in the lower right.

Contact us with any questions, or to report a viewing problem. You may call at 215.627.7797 or 800.598.7432, or email directly to mailbox@samplings.com

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